
Ordinary cosmetics imported to China License application documents


Ordinary cosmetics exports to China record certificate application documents
Ordinary cosmetics exports to China License application documents

Release Date :2008-08-30

Imported non-special use cosmetics record certificate application / first-time applicants to submit materials catalog

(A) imports of non-special use cosmetics record application form;
(B) product formulation;
(C) product quality standards;
(D) The inspection agency accredited by the Ministry of Health issued the inspection report and related information, the following order:
1, the test application form;
2, notice of acceptance testing;
3, product brochures;
4, hygiene (microbiological, physical and chemical) test reports;
5, toxicological safety inspection reports.
(E) products of the original packaging (including product label). To be designed specifically for the packaging market in China, is required to provide product design packaging (including product labeling);
(F) products in the producing country (region) or country of origin (region) allows the production and sales of documents;
(G) from the occurrence of "mad cow" country or region of imported cosmetics, should be required to provide official quarantine certificates;
(H) reporting agents shall provide proof of principal-agent;
(Ix) review other information may help.
1 The above information is original, unopened attached a sample

More countries (regions) can produce the same product declaration, one of the country of origin of products all the materials submitted by the above requirements, we must also submit the following materials:
(A) producers in different countries belonging to the same enterprise group (company) documents;
(B) the enterprise group product quality assurance documents issued;
(C) the country of origin occurred "mad cow", the official quarantine certificate of mad cow disease should be provided;
(D) other products produced in the country of origin original packaging;
(E) other products produced in the country of origin of hygiene (microbiological, physical and chemical) inspection reports.
The above information is the original 1.


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